In the summer, Liesel began to write her own life story. "That summer was a new beginning, a new end," Liesel wrote. She wrote that that summer belonged to only one man, and that was Papa. Liesel also explained how she would walk through Munich Street with Papa to accompany him on his paint jobs. At this time, Liesel's Papa's painting business was starting to improve. Papa accepted many forms of payment for his work; Liesel wondered, "Who else would do some painting for the price of a half a cigarette? That was Papa, that was typical, and I loved him" (Zusak 354-355). Together, Liesel and Papa would stroll through town with carts of paint, ready to paint people's blinds black in accordance with war-time laws.
On one ordinary day when Liesel was with her papa on a paint job, she was taken into the kitchen where other people sat around the table with full glasses of champagne. The unknown man at the table took up his glass and motioned for everyone else to do the same. "Liesel looked up at Papa for approval. He grinned and said, 'Prost, Madel- cheers, girl.' Their glasses chimed together and the moment Liesel raised it to her mouth, she was bitten by the frizzy, sickly, sweet taste of champagne" (Zusak 357). Liesel's reflex made her spit out the liquid all over Papa's lap as everyone laughed. Papa encouraged her to try it again, and she did this time swallowing the champagne. "Liesel enjoyed the taste of a glorious broken rule" (Zusak 357). The bubbles Liesel felt on her tongue, and the prickling in her stomach was described as a great feeling. I think this day was so special for Liesel simply because of her papa. Liesel really enjoyed spending time with Papa, and drinking champagne with him was one of their secret, special times together.
I've had one of those ordinary, special days with my daddy before. Last winter my daddy and I had the house all to ourselves one day. Usually there are at least five other kids running around, and other adults lounging around as well. That day was a peaceful day for my daddy and me. Daddy decided we'd rent movies that day and he also made me my favorite food, fried shrimp. Our television volume was still on blast as the movie ended. My daddy is a very funny, outgoing man so as soon as one of his favorite slow jam songs started to play he jumped up and started to slow dance. I sat there and laughed as he reached out his hand for mine, and I shyly objected. My daddy picked me up out of my seat, put my feet on the ground, took my hand and slow danced with me like we were part of a grand ball. It reminded me of when I was little, my daddy used to pick me up and slow dance with me all the time. He also slow dances with my baby sister, and it makes her feel so special. That day made me feel like daddy's little girl again, and it was a very special time for me.
Work Cited:
Zusak, Marcus. The Book Thief. NY: Alfred A. Knopf, 2005. Print.
10/10: Good job Tyanna, I hope it made sense when we reorganized the content of your first paragraph. :)